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Farm Safety Foundation

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Farm Safety Foundation

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While UK farmers are among the best in the world, farming remains one of our country’s most hazardous industries; accounting for 1% of workers but 18% of all worker fatalities (HSE).

22 farm workers and 3 members of the public (including a child) lost their lives on GB farms in 2021/2022 according to the latest HSE Fatal Injuries in Agriculture, Forestry & Fishing report. Think about it… this means 25 families and communities mourning the loss of a loved one and we need this to stop.

We’re the Farm Safety Foundation, an award-winning charity and we’re dedicated to support the physical and mental wellbeing of the UK’s farmers.

We are an independent registered charity working throughout the UK to address the attitudes and behaviours to risk-taking and poor mental health in the next generation of farmers (under 40yrs). We are the team behind the FARM SAFETY WEEK (22-26 July 2024) and also the MIND YOUR HEAD campaign (10-14 February 2025) but we are so much more…

Did You Know?

Farming accounts for 1% of the working population but an alarming 16% of all workplace deaths (HSE Fatal Injuries in Agriculture, Forestry & Fishing Report in GB 2023/2024) A total of 23 farm workers and 4 members of the public, including two children, lost their lives on GB farms over the past year. The picture is similar in Northern Ireland where there were 7 reportable workplace fatalities in 2023/2024 (HSENI).

This is a record we are not proud of, and this is a record we want, and need, to change…


"Preserve and protect the physical and mental wellbeing of young farmers and young people moving in to agriculture (Aged 16-40)."

"Challenge and change the attitudes towards risk-taking and poor safety behaviours in the next generation of farmers."

"Reduce the number of life changing and life ending injuries among young farmers."


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