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Moore Unidrill

17 Jan 2024
Demo Zone (Hall 10)
Demo Zone
Moore Unidrill

We’ll be demonstrating a 24 Row Trailed Moore Unidrill which delivers a Precise, consistent seed placement with minimal soil disturbance in one pass... all the same features as our mounted machine but trailed. 

Everyone’s Talking About Regenerative Farming…the purchase of a direct drill is one way your farm could commence a transition to regenerative farming.  While the regenerative approach is pretty vogue right now, Moore Unidrill have been hard at it for nearly fifty years, with proven results and considered the original and still the best. Our drilling system operates in min-till or no-till systems, maximizing soil health without compromising yields, powering your farm towards the government’s net zero targets. If you’d like to find out more about how a Moore Unidrill could kickstart your farm’s transition to regenerative agriculture, call 028 2766 4444 or find your local dealer here : . 

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