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MRT Fencing

Stand number: 7.860
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MRT Fencing

MRT Fencing – quietly by your side for more than 50 years.

Moreda Riviere Trefilerías (MRT) is the leading manufacturer of galvanised wire and fencing systems in spain and across europe with more than 150 years of experience in wire production.

MRT offers the popular agricultural ranges such as Mastefence®, FK MRT® and XK MRT® stockfences; Erizo® and Bravo® barbed wire; chain link; wire netting...

MRT is part of the Celsa group, which has a production capacity of 9 million tons per year and has subsidiary companies in 6 countries, with nearly 1,000 employees in the UK. Celsa is in control of the whole process from the melting of the scrap which is made into wire rod, drawn into wire, and either sold to the trade or used to make fencing products for distribution in over 80 countries.

MRT looks forward to welcoming you at stand 7.860!


Bullhouse Works Manchester Road Penistone
S36 9FG
United Kingdom
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