ISEKI UK & Ireland are pleased to be exhibiting at LAMMA 2025 on our usual Stand 240 in Hall 12. Featured on the stand will be compact tractors from the TG6, TLE and TXGS24 ranges, SXG3 collecting mower, and a Raymo electric remote-control mower for slopes and difficult to access areas which ISEKI UK & Ireland distributes.
ISEKI was founded 100 years ago in Japan and has been represented in Europe for over 50 years. It was the first company to introduce compact tractors to the UK market in the mid-seventies. The extensive range of compact tractors, collecting ride-on mowers and ride-on brush cutters typify Japanese engineering quality and design.
The ISEKI compact tractors are smaller than other tractors in the yard, which makes the ISEKI TG6 range ideal for negotiating around the barns, with IQ transmission offering effortless control whilst scraping. The dual-clutch system provides finger-tip gear changes, and an electronic shuttle ensures direction changes are simple. With a variety of features as standard the TG6 IQ is a truly compact yet powerful performer.
The TLE tractors form the Premium-Economy range with simpler controls and features but with the same quality build and reliability as other models. Powered by either a 40hp or 55hp ISEKI diesel engine, with HST or mechanical transmissions and linkage capacities of up to 1200kg. Models on display will be the 40hp TLE3410 HST, three speed hydrostatic transmission, 1000kg lift capacity, one auxiliary service and rear mounted remote PTO operation. The other is the TLE4550, similar but with the 55hp with F12/R12 (with crawler gears) mechanical transmission and 1200kg lift capacity. Both suited to many tasks around farmyards, estates, stables, wildlife parks and greenhouses.
The powerful ISEKI TXGS24 23hp tractor, sub-compact in size, incredibly versatile and highly manoeuvrable ideal for a wide range of tasks whether you are mowing, transporting items using a trailer, running implements on the rear 3-point linkage and rear PTO or using the front loader.
The SXG327 is a ride-on mower with a mid-mounted deck, a highly efficient centre-discharge direct collection system - ideal for cutting and collecting large areas of grass picking up the cut grass plus any leaves etc that may also be present on the grass, leaving a clean, neat finish with no grass clippings. Add the patented Handy Hatch hinged lid to the top of the collector to allow clippings, pruning’s etc to placed directly into the collector. Both machines may be fitted with the optional flip-up floor kit which allows conversion to cut and drop.
The Raymo remote control mower is perfect for mowing steep slopes, restricted access areas, such as solar panels and water courses whilst the operator controls the machine from a safe location. Powered by a hybrid power pack or a choice of lithium batteries, the Raymo can cut maintained or rougher grass or lowered to a minimum height of only 51cm, under solar panels or other obstructions. The rotary decks are available in 42”, 48” and 54” widths plus a 46” single or double action sickle mower – ideal for wildflower areas. The slide-out power-packs allow for extended use if required.
3-5 Foxtail Road, Ransomes EuroparkIpswich
United Kingdom