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Farm Safety Foundation

Stand number: 20.500
  • | Charities

While UK farmers are among the best in the world, farming remains one of our country’s most hazardous industries; accounting for 1% of workers but 18% of all worker fatalities (HSE).

22 farm workers and 3 members of the public (including a child) lost their lives on GB farms in 2021/2022 according to the latest HSE Fatal Injuries in Agriculture, Forestry & Fishing report. Think about it… this means 25 families and communities mourning the loss of a loved one and we need this to stop.

We’re the Farm Safety Foundation, an award-winning charity and we’re dedicated to support the physical and mental wellbeing of the UK’s farmers.

As a mutual insurer that has cared about the countryside, farmers and their families for over a century, NFU Mutual took the decision in 2014 to establish the Farm Safety Foundation, an independent charity to help young farmers challenge their behaviours and change their attitude to farm safety. The ultimate aim of the Foundation is to have zero avoidable deaths on our farms. To achieve this, the Foundation works closely with partners in the industry to engage, educate and communicate strong and relatable farm safety messages.

Their award-winning education programme has delivered innovative farm safety training to over 21,000 young farmers in 44 different land-based colleges and universities across the UK and through the Young Farmers Clubs network. Through national campaigns such as Farm Safety Week and Mind Your Head, the Farm Safety Foundation is tackling the stigma around risk-taking and poor mental health, ensuring that that next generation of farmers is resilient and equipped with smart strategies and specific skills to live well and farm well.


Tiddington Road
Strafford Upon Avon
CV37 7BJ
United Kingdom
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