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Carbon Robotics

Stand number: 9.714
  • | Precision farming and control systems
  • | Crop protection
  • | Agricultural machinery
Carbon Robotics

Carbon Robotics builds the industry-leading AI-powered LaserWeeder™. LaserWeeder combines computer vision, AI deep learning technology, robotics, and lasers to identify crops versus weeds - and shoots the weeds with lasers.


LaserWeeding cuts weed control costs by 80%, boosts crop yield and quality, and supports sustainable farming. LaserWeeders pay back in 1 to 3 years on a machine that lasts 7-10 years.


More than 50 of the world’s largest specialty crop growers have deployed LaserWeeders. This no-touch, precision technology is effective day and night in over 100 crops in both conventional and organic farming. 


LaserWeeding has sub-millimeter accuracy, shoots over 5,000 weeds per minute, and does the work of a hand weeding crew of 75 people. LaserWeeders cover 1-3 acres per hour at tractor speeds of 1-2 miles per hour.


LaserWeeding is:

BETTER THAN HAND WEEDING - Laserweeding reduces hand labor and solves labor availability shortages.

BETTER THAN SPRAYING - Laserweeding is safe, more effective than herbicides, and improves crop health.

BETTER THAN MECHANICAL WEEDING - Laserweeding is a no-touch method that doesn’t harm crops or disrupt the soil.


LaserWeeders are designed in Seattle and manufactured in Detroit. Carbon Robotics has raised $157 million in capital since 2018.


LaserWeeding is the future of weed control.



807 Aurora Ave N
United Kingdom
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