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Yara Digital Tools

Yara UK Hall: 10 Stand number: 10.610

Information and knowledge is fundamental to making better informed nutrient decisions. Our collection of tools help you to make better nutrient decisions in making the right fertiliser choice and applying the right amount of nutrients at the right time and in the right place so that the crop yield and quality can be maximised whilst still keeping costs in check, avoiding over-fertilisation and protecting the environment.

1. Atfarm - Yara's app for digital farming: In today's world when nitrogen fertiliser prices are volatile and their usage is regulated more every year, tools like Atfarm bring the power of technology to your fields using the computer and smartphone you already have. 

2. N-Sensor - Real-time variable rate nitrogen management in partnership with Taylored-Agri:

  • A tractor-mounted real-time variable-rate nitrogen sensor

  • Measures crop nitrogen requirement as the fertiliser spreader passes across the field

  • Variably adjusts the fertiliser application rate in real-time

3. N-Tester - Measure leaf nitrogen in the crop: 

  • A handheld leaf nitrogen measurement tool that is quick and easy to use.

  • Establishes a crop's exact nitrogen status from ratings taken in the crop.

  • Provides instant field-specific nitrogen recommendation​

4. Soil testing and analysis:

  • Soil analysis provides fundamental knowledge on the chemical, physical and biological status of a soil. This information is used to manage the soil and to develop an effective Nutrient Management Plan that optimises crop production.


Plus many more - find out what tools we have to offer here:

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