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OmniCuro EMS

Omnivent UK Hall: 18 Stand number: 18.274
  • OmniCuro EMS
OmniCuro EMS OmniCuro EMS OmniCuro EMS
  • Reduce consumption when you need other machines.
  • Make optimal use of your solar panels or wind turbine production.
  • Calculates the right priority for each storage cell

Running farm equipment simultaneously

For intake, sorting and storage, your machines need power. You are dependent on the available capacity of your main connection. Your fuses may blow if you run several machines on your farm at the same time. For instance, if you are running a sorting machine or a storage line while your ventilation or cooling system is on.

In that case, it’s convenient if you can (temporarily) limit the power consumption of your storage. With the EMS module of the OmniCuro storage computer, you can do this easily. You set a maximum power consumption. And give priority to each storage cell. Do you have any questions about the settings? Then our storage specialists are ready to advise you.

The EMS (Energy Management System) calculates the right moment to switch fans or cooling systems on or off. While keeping a close eye on priorities and conditions. Is one of the storage cells left inactive for too long? Then the EMS automatically adjusts.

You gain control over your power consumption, while your products receive sufficient ventilation or cooling.

Optimising the return from solar panels or wind turbines

Do you have solar panels or wind turbines? When the output is low, it makes sense to temporarily reduce the consumption of your energy storage so that you stay within your available energy capacity. And you do not have to buy extra electricity from your supplier.

When the output of your solar panels or wind turbine is high, you do not need to return the surplus power directly to your supplier, but rather use it yourself. For example, to provide additional ventilation or cooling now, so you don’t have to do it later.

With OmniCuro EMS you can use the current capacity of your solar panels or wind turbines for your storage. All you need is an additional energy meter. You simply set how much power you want to use for your storage.

The EMS responds instantly to the power available. Are there more clouds and is there less power available? Then the EMS automatically switches your equipment back. Are the clouds disappearing, is the sun shining and do you have more power available? Then EMS automatically switches your equipment on.

On days with rapidly changing conditions, EMS prevents equipment from powering up and down too quickly. And keeps your storage running as efficiently as possible.

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