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Combination Unit for Direct Seeding with Minimum Tillage

COLLARI s.n.c. di Collari Gian Luca e Valeria Hall: 18 Stand number: 18.350

Utilizing the mechanics tested over the years of our mod. ACP Triter/ACS Triter rotary tiller, which is attached with a rear seed drill with mechanical distribution and gravity seed delivery, results in a combined tillage and direct seeding system easy to use, extremely robust, and cost-effective.

This combined system makes it possible to save on crop production costs, while reducing the number of passages over the fields, total tillage and seeding time, fuel consumption, and packing. With the use of several accessories the machine can also be used on wet soil and soil with bulky residues from past harvests without chopping.

The system allows localized seeding without direct contact in wet soil conditions or with soil containing bulky and abundant residue.

The drill can be quickly disassembled to allow the use of the machine as a regular hoe for the traditional early preparation of fields that are not to be seeded immediately. It’s suitable for seeding cereal, soybean, corn, sorghum, alfalfa, etc..

The system is available in a working width of ACP 2.45 - 2.65 - 3.05, ACS 2.55 – 3.05 mt and in versions with front milling rotor with curved hoes, using blades with rhomboidal, or dovetail teeth, or spikes, and with rear packer roller.

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