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Bed Former

COLLARI s.n.c. di Collari Gian Luca e Valeria Hall: 18 Stand number: 18.350

For use in horticulture, this bed former works the soil, depositing it in a single seeding bed in the rear and simultaneously burying all stones, rocks, or residue from previous crops.

It levels the ground perfectly and selects clods based on their size, placing the smallest ones at the top of the bed, making it easier to plant seedlings of any kind in open fields and in greenhouses.

You can add the following accessories as needed:

  • Rear hydraulic contour roller for profiling and compacting the shape of the final bed;
  • Hydraulic volumetric spreader for simultaneous fertilising;
  • 1st category 3-point hitch for attaching other equipment at the rear;
  • Rear plastic film placing machine (with disks or ploughs) with optional hose placing kit and/or film perforator wheels kit.
  • Final bed dimensions and other variables can be adapted based on the customer’s specifications.

This bed former also offers the following advantages:

  • Fewer crossings of the field;
  • Saves time;
  • Fuel-efficient;
  • Respects the physical and biological structure of the soil;
  • Improves drainage of excess water;
  • Guarantees total effectiveness of weedkilling or ground sterilisation treatments.
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