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14 Nov 2024

SIP | Robust Line

Sip Slovenia Hall: 20 Stand number: 20.370

SIP’s ROBUST line is designed to excel in the most demanding mowing, tedding, and raking conditions. The SILVERCUT DISC mowers lead the way with durable construction and exceptional performance, delivering precise cuts without introducing soil or sand into the forage.

The line also includes SPIDER rotary tedders—eight models built for efficient spreading and turning of forage. These machines combine sophisticated technology, easy handling, and excellent stability to ensure optimal results. The STAR single and double-rotor side and central rakes create clean, even swaths, helping farmers save time and energy while achieving high-quality forage collection.

The innovative AIR front mounted pick-up rakes represent a breakthrough in raking, preventing soil and stone contamination to maintain forage purity. With the SIP ROBUST line, you get high-quality, efficient machinery built for challenging conditions and premium forage production.

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