FieldBee PowerSteer–simple, affordable tractor GPS autosteer precision system–in action!
The integrated, high-precision base station RTK receiver and steering controller provide automatic steering capability, setting new standards in precision agriculture.
We see the farmer working in low-visibility conditions and creating perfect straight lines in his field at nighttime. We see how simple and easy to install PowerSteer is. PowerSteer takes away some of the farmer’s stress and lets him work more efficiently and comfortably. In this way, PowerSteer makes high-tech accuracy available, at an affordable price, to farmers everywhere–no matter the terrain or conditions. FieldBee is a high-tech precision agriculture company founded in 2014, with offices in Germany, the Netherlands and Ukraine. With over 3,000 customers in 60 countries,
FieldBee develops GPS-guided agricultural products and services to help farmers everywhere farm profitably and sustainably. Supplying farmers with the highest quality and efficiency for affordable fieldwork operations is what FieldBee is all about. More efficient use of land and time, combined with lower usage of fuel and fertiliser, leads to higher yields and quality of life—so that farming costs go down, while job satisfaction goes up.
FieldBee’s cutting edge digital technologies and satellite-guided tractor GPS equipment make the high-tech future affordable, sustainable and profitable today—for farmers of all kinds, on any terrain, all over the world.