Combatting Compaction with Aerworx
Aerworx is the home of the original UK large drum and blade aerator - we're proud to be a British manufacturer with a long standing experience in grassland management.
Aerating soils by alleviating compaction, whether grassland or arable, can have significant benefit on farm productivity, reducing inputs and increasing profitiability.
The Aerworx aerators are designed to slot and shatter your soil using the kinetic energy of their weight and the speed of use. The blades are unique to Aerworx, manufactured for exceptional strength and durability, with a design that causes minimal disturbance when used correctly.
Improving soil health and productivity has never been so important as we face significant climatic challenges and financial pressures.
The benefits of aeration include:
- Reduced erosion and run off of water and any applicants used
- Reduced waterlogging and poaching and the associated veterinary issues
- Reduced costs e.g fertiliser
- Increased grazing periods and increased stocking rates
Recent trials have shown:
- 72% improvement in INFILTRATION RATES after just a single pass (range: 68-78% )
- 24 x increase in DM Kg/hectare in aerated grassland v non aerated (range 9.1-39) after 4 weeks
- 11% increase in yield of aerated grassland compared to 0.67% in non aerated ( despite below av rainfall - AUG 24)
Please visit our website for more details on how aeration works, to see the large array of different models and additional functionality available.
Pre and post sales advice is something that we take pride in so that you get the best from your machine so please call if you would like to discuss your set up. 07500898387