Tracking Livestock in the Wilds of Kazakhstan
Kazakhstan is the largest landlocked country in the world and as most of its estimated 1.7 million semi-wild horses roam freely within the enormous territory, monitoring their precise location is a major challenge for their owners.
By monitoring the movement of stallions with GTC’s lightweight and reliable tracker placed on their collars, horse owners can efficiently track the location of a herd of up to 25 horses with just one cost effective satellite enabled device.
GTC recommends the SmartOne C tracker for horse-tracking as its small form factor and long battery life make it one of the preferred solutions for tracking livestock herds and horses throughout many remote parts of the world.
The satellite-enabled SmartOne C transmits GPS locations through the Globalstar Low Earth Orbit (LEO) satellite network (now trusted by Apple for the iPhone’s recently introduced satellite messaging feature). These location messages can be viewed through our custom-built mapping software. Devices can be configured to transmit one message every four hours with an expected battery life of six months, or longer life with less frequent messages.
Power Options
The SmartOne C can be powered either through an external power supply or 4x AA 1.5V lithium batteries. By using internal lithium batteries, the SmartOne C is fully portable and can easily be moved from asset to asset and used covertly if required. The device is capable of operating for up to three years on internal batteries.
SmartOne C trackers require a messaging subscription to transmit messages which starts at $12.50 per month. A subscription for our bespoke GTCTrack Mapping Portal is required to view location data although can be sent directly to the customer’s server at no additional charge.