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01 Nov 2024

Solar PV: The best way for farms to control their energy security

Your Eco Hall: 10 Stand number: 10.206
Solar PV: The best way for farms to control their energy security

We love nothing more than sitting around the kitchen table in the farmhouse to discuss how our bespoke, technical solutions can help you meet your energy needs. And in turn, we’re also not afraid to recommend an alternative solution, if what we provide isn’t quite the right fit. It’s a collaborative approach, and we like you to think of us as a trusted advisor. It’s thanks to this and our well-established rural network that 100% of our agricultural briefs are from referrals.



Give us a call or an email and pop the kettle on; we’d be delighted to take some of the worry away with a planet-friendly, solar energy solution that works for your business, along with the exceptionally high standard of delivery and follow through you deserve.

Agricultural Solar Case Studies

Feathers Farm,



Working for another agricultural client, a leading large-scale poultry farm, Your Eco installed a 250 kW solar PV system. Using top-of-the-line Solar Edge technology and JA Solar modules, this project was delivered to high standards and to budget through effective project management. Compared to a standard SMA inverter, the use of Solar Edge technology resulted in a 1.58% outperformance in energy production. Operating at a large capacity and with an energy-intensive building, the new PV system will provide a more cost-effective energy supply to Feathers Farm and help to significantly reduce their carbon footprint. 

Fussels Fine Foods,


Your Eco installed this 250kW roof-mounted system for
Fussels Fine Foods at their new Parkgate Farm development near Frome. The system is the largest of it’s kind in the area and generates enough on-site energy to meet the base-load demands of their operations. This PV system and the partnership with Your Eco will ensure that the Fussel family’s values of quality and sustainable farming are maintained, whilst affording long- term energy security from a renewable source.



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