IMPAX Technology Twine – a new dimension in High Density Baling
A change in Twine direction is needed
In recent years the developments in high density square balers have resulted in the production of heavier and denser bales. In turn, baler twine has also had to develop to ensure these dense, heavy bales can be securely held.
In reality, twine development has failed to innovate at the same pace as the balers it serves. Manufacturers have simply made twine thicker and heavier to cope with the increased demands being placed upon it; but a thicker twine simply isn’t the answer.
We have reached a point where high density twine is as thick as it can be, any thicker and it simply will not work in the knotters and even if it could, the thickness would mean knots would not hold.
Innovation and the pursuit of new solutions isn’t a priority for many manufacturers, who prefer to place profits ahead of customer requirements. Which is why farmers and contractors have had no choice but to rely on thick, heavy and out dated twine.
There is another way – a new productive future for Twine users.
At Tama we think differently. As farmers ourselves we prioritize productivity and efficiency, creating products to make our lives easier. Products we can then share with the larger farming community.
That is why, way back in 2019 when we experienced the issues thick heavy twine created for us on our own farm, we set about looking for an alternative; taking things back to basics and reviewing all the forces that the twine experiences as it passes through a baler.
Research investigations were carried out across the globe, in different climates, crops and balers. What we discovered was relatively simple, but allowed us to focus our efforts on the areas that created the biggest stresses when creating high density bales.
Many would assume that the twine would have to be strong simply to hold the bale together, and while true to a certain extent, it doesn’t consider the core stresses a twine experiences, the main reasons it has to be so strong and resilient.
Our research showed that of all the forces the twine underwent in the creation of a high density bale, by far the biggest were those exerted during compression and ejection from the baler. Once a bale is formed the twine has a relatively simple job, it just holds the crop together, assuming the knots are tight and secure this is not a difficult task. What is difficult is absorbing all the shocks the twine experiences as the bale if formed.
From the plunger within the baler constantly ramming the crop into the chamber, through to the bale dropping out the back, these shocks are the weak points, these are the key reason high density baler twine is so thick. It has to withstand these shocks and simultaneously hold a high density bale together, a thin twine will weaken with each shock and eventually fail……right?
IMPAX Technology is born
Wrong! Our research allowed us to develop a revolutionary new technology that enabled the creation of a unique twine, able to absorb all the shocks experienced during bale creation.
From the impacts experienced within the baler, through to that of the ejected bale falling to the ground, a twine incorporating IMPAX Technology is able to withstand them all. But the real breakthrough is that it achieves all this whilst being 20% thinner than any other modern day ‘high density’ thick twine of similar performance.
A thinner twine capable of withstanding these shocks, but still able to hold together high density bales has a number of key advantages:
- Knots made from a thinner twine hold with greater efficiency
- A thinner twine causes less wear and tear to knotting system parts, as it runs through the baler
- More bales can be created from the same weight spool, as more of the IMPAX twine can be added. It’s thinner and lighter so you get more for your money!
- A thinner twine, means a reduction in the volume of raw materials required for production, resulting in a reduction in the products carbon footprint
- Carefully selected raw materials allow us to maintain our ability to recycle IMPAX twines in our revolutionary closed loop system.
A twine that is able to withstand the shocks of baling whilst still capable of handling the forces of high density bales…….from one farmer to another, that makes our lives easier, we get the job completed faster and don’t have to even think about broken bales, can’t say fairer than that!