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Why Should I Aerate - Does It Work?

Aerworx Hall: 8-9 Stand number: 8-9.246
Why Should I Aerate - Does It Work?
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We often invest in many aspects of the farm but frequently overlook one of our biggest assets...the soil.

Given the challenges of the climate changes that we are experiencing, never has it been so important to regenerate and maintain our soils, especially if it is already compacted.


              We aren't farming livestock...we're farming grass!


  • What is compaction?


Compaction occurs due to years of grazing and heavy frequent machinery passes that creates a hard pan in different layers. In turn this compaction:


o   limits water penetration,

o   causes soil particle compression resulting in large block like aggregates

o   reduction in oxygen entry

o   a stressed crop whose roots canโ€™t easily penetrate the โ€œpanโ€.

o   Organisms vital for soil health no longer reside causing a reduction in organic matter and thus nutrient availability.


Over the years we expect soil to keep performing using traditional methods that merely โ€œmaintain and sustainโ€. These traditional methods often expose soil to erosion, destroy humus releasing sequestered carbon and break down the soil structure and biology that has taken precious time to form.





  • ๐—›๐—ผ๐˜„?


By capitalising on the design of the Aerworx aerator, the kinetic energy of the aerator's weight and driven speed will fracture your subsoil up to 30cm below the point of the blade whilst leaving deep slots to ensure water ingress. The aim is to achieve a small crumb like aggregate creating a friable open soil structure using a no till process. This method avoids soil exposure, erosion, loss of soil carbon sequestration and biology.


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* improved water penetration and retention, preventing run off and water logging

* improved oxygenation of the soil to help soil biology ( microbes and worms),

required for the break down of organic matter and releasing nutrients for plant


* improved root growth without a struggle to get through a hard pan in dry,

oxygen and nutrient deprived conditions.


  • ๐—ง๐—ต๐—ฒ ๐—ฟ๐—ฒ๐˜€๐˜‚๐—น๐˜?

-increased grass yields

-increased grazing and cutting periods

-reduction in fertiliser costs

-any supporting applications that are required, are retained in your soil and not wasted in run off

-You have invested in your future...and the environment.

TRIALS 24 โ€“ Evidencing Aerworx


A recent trial across three grassland farms in the south of England, during a period of low rainfall and only after a single pass showed :


  • 24 x KG/Hectare increase in DM yield of aerated ground compared with non aerated land ( RANGE: 9.1-39) after 4 weeks.


  • Aerated grassland showed an increase of 11% ( range 5.5 โ€“ 14.8%) yield over 4 weeks despite low rainfall. NON aerated ground only showed a 0.67% increase in yield!


  • 72% improvement in infiltration rates ( range 63 โ€“ 78%) after a single pass

For more on the science and details of the various aerator models available, please visit us Stand 8-9.246 - we'd love to see you.




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